How to Uninstall Joomla

If you’re reading this article because you want to reinstall Joomla, then check this article on how to reinstall Joomla. Sometimes you may wish to just uninstall Joomla from your server for one of the following reasons: You want to move your Joomla website to another server and you wish to remove all the information […]

How to Move a Joomla Website to Another Domain

Quite often, some site owners realize that the domain name they picked and used for their Joomla website doesn’t cut it anymore, so they decide to change it and move their Joomla website to another (better) domain. In this guide, we provide step-by-step instructions on how to do that: Step 1 – Move your Joomla […]

How to Protect a Page with a Password in Joomla?

Sometimes you have an important page that you don’t want every visitor to your website to have access to. The first thing that comes to your mind is to make this page only accessible by members, but you then realize that you don’t want all your members to have access to this page. Just a […]

Number of Websites Powered by Joomla

We know it, you’re here because either you’re a Joomla fan who wants to know how many websites are powered by Joomla to prove a point to your manager, or you’re a business owner/technical manager who’s deciding whether to use or Joomla or not (you want to know if there is a lot of websites […]

Is There a Joomla Customer Service Phone Number?

First time clients often ask us (during their first call) the following question: “Is there a Joomla Customer Service Number I can call?” Our answer is always as follows: “Since Joomla is free, then there is no official phone number that you can call to get support”. Joomla support is usually handled by third party […]

How to Reinstall Joomla

Sometimes, people experiment with some of their Joomla core files and/or with non-content tables in the Joomla database to the point that their websites become inoperable. The easy (well sometimes it’s not very easy) solution at this point is to reinstall Joomla from scratch. But how do you do that? Well, here are the steps […]

Is Joomla Free?

We often get the following call: Customer: “Hi” We: “Hi there, how can we serve you?” Customer: “I was told that Joomla is an excellent CMS and I want to use it, but I want to know first if it’s free or not” We: “It’s free sir!” Then the conversation goes on, and we are […]

How to Remove “Powered by Joomla!” Footer?

Many of our clients come to us and ask the following 2 questions: Is it legal to remove the “Powered by Joomla!” message in the footer? If it’s legal, then how can we remove it? To answer the first question, yes it’s perfectly legal to do so. However, it is not legal to remove the […]

How to Enable SSL on a Joomla 1.5 Website

In this article we are assuming that you have already purchased an SSL and you have installed it on your website, and all that is left for you to do is to enable it. If you need help purchasing and installing an SSL certificate on your Joomla website, then please contact us, we will definitely […]

How to Create a Super Administrator User on Joomla?

From our experience, we know that there are some misconceptions about the Joomla Super Administrator user: You can only have one Super Administrator user per Joomla website. You can not delete the Super Administrator user that was originally created. There is no interface for adding Super Administrators (this is a corollary to the point #1 […]

What Are the Joomla Hourly Support Rates?

Although it is published on our fees page, some new clients ask us about our Joomla Hourly Support rates, thinking that our published rates are only for established clients. We would like to clarify this for all our prospective clients, we currently don’t have maintenance clients (clients who pay a monthly fee and will get […]

Strict Standards Error in Joomla

We had an interesting case a couple of days ago, one of our clients came to us and told us that while installing Joomla on a new server, he got the following error (multiple times): Strict Standards: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in /web/vhosts/ on line 420 It was not the first time […]