How to Prevent Right Click in Joomla?

Many of our customers ask us to disable right click on their Joomla website. As such, we have decided to write a post explaining how this is done. Before starting, you need to be aware of the following: Preventing right clicks will only deter non-technical visitors from stealing your content (such as text and images). […]

Joomla for Dog Breeders

We have talked before on how Joomla is ideal for small businesses. One small business that we think is greatly benefiting from Joomla is the dog breeding business. It’s amazing how many dog breeders out there use Joomla to power their websites… Now why do dog breeders use Joomla? And how does a dog breeding […]

Joomla for Churches

It is a fact that Joomla, as a CMS, is used extensively for non-profits. And, from our experience, one of the main non-profits taking advantage of Joomla to establish a web presence is churches. In this post, we will discuss the following: Why many churches use Joomla to power their websites What is the typical […]

What Will Happen When Your Joomla Website Is Hacked

In previous posts, we have discussed how you know if your Joomla website is hacked and what to do when you discover that it’s hacked. Right now, we want to discuss what will happen to your Joomla website when it’s hacked. According to our experience on the subject, here’s what will happen when your Joomla […]

Why Is Joomla So Slow?

At least every other day, a customer contacts us and asks us the following question: “Why is my Joomla website so slow?” We reply to her/him that since Joomla is a very large and powerful CMS, it is somehow slow. However, it shouldn’t be very slow, and there are ways to make a Joomla website […]

How to Index Your Joomla Website with Google

You own a Joomla website, and you’re proud of it, but the thing is, Google still hasn’t indexed it, or Google has indexed only a few pages of your website. So, what do you do to fully index your Joomla website with Google and other search engines such as Yahoo and Bing? Before starting this […]

What To Do When Your Joomla Website Is Hacked?

In the unfortunate event where you know that your Joomla website is hacked you need to follow the below steps: Remain calm: Your website is hacked – period. There’s nothing that you can do to change this fact, and most of the harm is already done. Why panic? In addition, most website owners/managers experience the […]

How To Know That Your Joomla Website Is Hacked

We frequently get requests from our customers asking us to check if their Joomla website is hacked, because they think it is behaving oddly. And so we do check the website, and in most cases, we discover that the website is actually hacked. So, the first sign that your website is hacked is if you […]

10 Security Tips for Your Joomla Website

Our article, 10 reasons why your Joomla website got hacked, was well received by our readers (clients and visitors alike). In this post, we want to list the top 10 security tips to protect your Joomla website. Always keep your Joomla website up-to-date with the latest version of Joomla: Every Joomla update addresses security issues […]

Joomla for Small Business

After our posts on Joomla for law firms and Joomla for universities, we wanted to write a post about Joomla for small businesses, since this is where Joomla really shines… Almost every week, we receive 2 or 3 phone calls from new clients. The calls usually go the following way: New client: “Hi” Us: “Hi” […]

Joomla for Universities

We have discussed before the use of Joomla for Law Firms: How Joomla is used in a law firm environment, what are the basic features for a Joomla website in such an environment, and what are the extra features that some users ask for. We will discuss today Joomla websites in a university environment. In […]

How To Remove the Article Information in Joomla?

Sometimes, you don’t want to show some or all of the article’s information (such as the creation date or the author name) in Joomla. This article will explain to you, in details, how to remove some or all of the article’s information from a specific article or from all articles. If you want to remove […]