Why Switching Your MySQL Host to May Break Your Joomla Website

Many Joomla administrators think that is equivalent to localhost when it comes to MySQL connections, and they think that they can change the value of $host in their configuration.php file from localhost to and the website will still work as it should. In reality, if they’re using cPanel, then the website will go […]

How to Use MySQL Persistent Connections on Joomla Sites

A somehow controversial subject in the database world is MySQL persistent connections: Some claim they have a performance benefit, others claim they’re bad and they can cause some memory issues on the server. At itoctopus, we have decided to put an end to the controversy by running experiments on a large Joomla website in order […]

On Closing MySQL Connections on Joomla Sites

If you’re an avid reader of our blog, then you may already know that we have a passion for optimizing Joomla sites. A passion so strong, that we spend the absolute majority of our spare time researching new optimization techniques. More often than not, our research yields interesting results. For example, about a week ago, […]

A Simple .htaccess Rule to Punish Bad Bots Hitting Your Joomla Site

We manage quite a few large Joomla sites, and all of these sites get their fair share of bad traffic caused by bad bots. What most system administrators do is that they block these bad bots with an .htaccess rule. At itoctopus, we go the extra mile and we punish those bots. How do we […]